Think Dance
A podcast to promote dance as a way to manage and improve mental health.
In this episode Charlie interiews Jacob, a high school student who is on a high school competition dance team.
In this podcast Charlie interviews Oliver, a high school student who is on a Varsity high school competition dance team.
In this episode, Charlie allows his teammate and former guest, Hana, to interview him.
In this episode Charlie interviews Edward, a senior in high school, who is on a Varsity high school competition dance team.
In this episode Charlie discusses ways in which dancing can positively impact mental well-being and some key findings from research in this area.
This is the last in a series of four episodes with Emma who is a graduating senior at Santa Clara University. She discusses her thoughts on dance and dance education.
This is the third in a series of four episodes with Emma who is a graduating senior at Santa Clara University. She shares her advice to other dancers.
This is the second in a series of four episodes with Emma who is a graduating senior at Santa Clara University. She shares her experiences as a dancer.